Complimentary QA and Test Strategy call

with Daniel Dore, the founder of Assured Thought.

Get one-to-one confidential advice that is tailored to your requirements on how to…
  • Leverage testing to maximise ROI and reduce risk.
  • Create the ideal Test QA team for your company.
  • Increase agility and efficiency with test automation.
  • Get software vendors to build better products for you.
  • Cut your dependence on business SMEs for testing.
  • Eliminate launch anxieties and boost your confidence.
  • Discover how quality adds a touch of magic to your client’s experience.
Get one-to-one confidential advice that is tailored to your requirements on how to…
  • Leverage testing to maximise ROI and reduce risk.
  • Create the ideal Test QA team for your company.
  • Increase agility and efficiency with test automation.
  • Get software vendors to build better products for you.
  • Cut your dependence on business SMEs for testing.
  • Eliminate launch anxieties and boost your confidence.
  • Discover how quality adds a touch of magic to your client’s experience.

About Daniel Dore

Daniel is the founder and CEO of Assured Thought. Over the past 25 years, Daniel has worked with a variety of leading financial services companies to help them deliver digital change and transformation. Through implementing long-term QA testing strategies, Daniel has helped these clients achieve significant ROI and operational excellence with quality.

Profile photo Daniel Dore


  • I speak regularly with Daniel, and we were able to shape our Test and QA function into a mature service that provides high value to our business. We've implemented a testing strategy that supports and enables our change and digital transformation programme at Coutts, helping to improve the quality of our products considerably. His approach to testing is more holistic than others, he understands how people, processes, and technology all play a vital role in quality. We are far less reliant on hero Business SMEs for executing tests and the introduction of test automation has given us a level of agility not previously seen. Daniel's expertise in the field of QA and testing is unmatched by anyone else that we have come across. He is a master at explaining technical concepts in plain English. He has a passion for testing and digital transformation, and this enthusiasm is obvious when he speaks on the subject.